This One's For You

This morning I was reading a Facebook post from Maria Ahern, the Chair of The Compassionate Friends (TCF). It was about how she had tumbled off a stage at a TCF gathering and hurt her head quite badly. She talked eloquently about how complete strangers had come to her aid, some cupping her gouged, blood-covered head in their hands. The unprovoked help from strangers.

That got me thinking about the help that we have received since Evie died, not so much from strangers, but from people who were really only acquaintances, or from our real friends. I said at Evie’s funeral that she had shown us the meaning of true friendship. My small-bear brain then followed that line of thought to the next step which was to thank them. We have thanked our close friends many times, but there have been many small acts of kindness as well that need to be recognised. As you will know, we like country music and a rising star is a guy called Luke Coombs. He has written a song called ‘This One’s For You’, and it is about people who are there for you when you need them. The words in this song work pretty well for our situation, so follow the link below and listen to the words. Crank up the volume too!

To all of our wonderful friends, “Thank You!”, this one really is for you.
